Case Studies

The best way to explain what we do is with examples

Project - Ateneus Cooperatius of Catalunya


18 months, ongoing

  • back-office
  • client area
  • reports
  • data export

App to manage large quantities of data: to publish the training offers, collect personal data and authorizations, the assistance signatures, inscriptions, evaluation surveys, accompaniment sessions to projects, etc.

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Instal·lacions a Coòpolis, l'ateneu cooperatiu de Barcelona

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Escoltes Catalans

App that facilitates the groups of the association the management of the inscriptions of children and chiefs. Analysis process of the old database to make the most of the historical data.

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Imatge de l'Esguard, un dibuix de mans agafant diferents formes geomètriques de colors


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Free Our Knowlege

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